Educational fun for everyone
ANSTO XR Menu Interface
ANSTO is one of Australia's largest public research organisations and is widely recognised as an international player in the field of nuclear science and technology. As part of a concerted strategy to engage students and the public at large, the ANSTO XR app was commissioned to make nuclear science fun, deeply engaging and accessible to students across the country.

Start Beyond developed a suite of VR learning solutions that enabled ANSTO to deliver immersive virtual reality experiences at trade shows and public events in groups of up to fifty at a time, as well as a smartphone app that enabled students to interact with scientific posters in their school and colleges.

Watch the video Case Study below...

Students bring the Periodic Table of Elements to life in AR

Thousands of schools have the ANSTO Periodic Table of Elements poster mounted in science labs across the country. Using their smartphones, students are invited to scan the posters and watch the elements jump out of the screen. Each element is brought to life with rich spatial audio, videos and 3D animation, providing students with a fun and engaging way to learn more about atomic composition and the practical ways the elements are used in our everyday lives.

Interactive VR video tours inside a nuclear reactor

For the first time, students are able to go deep inside the OPAL Reactor and the Australian Synchrotron to see how they operate and to explore the fascinating ways the technology enriches our every day lives.

Each guided tour can be used as a self-managed learning experience with students empowered to choose the subjects of most interest or it can be simulcast to large audiences for public events and trade shows.

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